
Why is My Dog Throwing Up White Foam?| Abc Puppy

Why is My Dog Throwing Up White Foam?| Abc Puppy

 12/15/2021    Cristian

Have you ever found yourself saying or thinking, “My dog is throwing up white foam!” or “What does it mean if my dog throws up white foam?” Not only is it sort of gross, but it’s also kind of scary. If you want to know what to do when dogs throw up white foamy vomit, we’ve got the answers!




Sometimes it can look like our dogs are throwing up, but it’s really regurgitation and not actual vomit. And if your dog is throwing up white foam, that may throw you because white foam throws up looks very different than what other dog vomit looks like. It really does look like the white foam that washes in when waves come on the beach shore. 
Sometimes it has a little yellowish tint (maybe bile from an empty tummy), but it is best described as a throw-up that looks like white foam. So if your dog is vomiting white foam, you want to know why and what you can do to help.




If your dog is throwing up white foam, his stomach is unsettled. It can likely be something as simple as them getting into something that irritated their tummies--too much grass or mulch, too many treats, human foods, or some little toy your toddler left on the floor. When your dog is throwing up white foam because of eating grass or mulch, it’s because your dog’s gastric juices are trying to digest, but not super successfully. The gastric juices will swirl and stir in an effort to break what your dog ate down, but they just end up creating that white foam he eventually throws up. When your dog has excess gas in his tummy (because of poor digestion), he may also have that white foamy vomit come up. Indigestion with an empty stomach will cause your dog to throw up whatever is there--frothy foamy stuff made of stomach acids and juices.

It may be a problem you need to investigate if your dog is throwing up white foam consistently or if it turns into multiple or acute vomiting episodes, though. He might be suffering from more serious medical conditions such as bacterial infection, kidney disease, blood sugar issues, or viruses that might be deadly especially for puppies and very young dogs.

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